Holistic Body Talk - Discovering CranioSacral Therapy
CST was pioneered and developed by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger following extensive scientific studies from 1975 to 1983 at Michigan State University, where he served as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics.
CST is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. It is a natural relief from tensions done through the practitioner's loving touch which facilitates healing at all levels. It gently allows the release of restrictions in the myofascial planes surrounding the tongue, facial bones, cranial bones, cranial nerves, sacrum, coccyx to name a few by encouraging the increase in vitality, energy and coherence of the craniosacral rhythm.
The therapist with a neutral intention facilitates the healing process by contacting various parts of the body with a light touch. By complementing the body's natural healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including:
CST is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. It is a natural relief from tensions done through the practitioner's loving touch which facilitates healing at all levels. It gently allows the release of restrictions in the myofascial planes surrounding the tongue, facial bones, cranial bones, cranial nerves, sacrum, coccyx to name a few by encouraging the increase in vitality, energy and coherence of the craniosacral rhythm.
The therapist with a neutral intention facilitates the healing process by contacting various parts of the body with a light touch. By complementing the body's natural healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including:
- Migraine Headaches
- Chronic Neck and Back Pain
- Motor-Coordination Impairments
- Colic
- Autism
- Central Nervous System Disorders
- Orthopedic Problems
- Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
- Scoliosis
- Infantile Disorders
- Learning Disabilities
- Chronic Fatigue
- Emotional Difficulties
- Stress and Tension-Related Problems
- Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders
- Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
- Neurovascular or Immune Disorders
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Post-Surgical Dysfunction
Craniosacral for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum

Women experience an array of emotional, physical, mental and spiritual changes in their journey of childbearing. It can be overwhelming and can present inconveniences that CST can address with successful results. CST assists the mother-to-be along the stages of pregnancy to co-create an optimal birthing experience.
During pregnancy, one of the primary focuses is to address any restrictions found in the pelvis in order to resolve back pain, hip pain, sciatica or any tensions and ultimately allow an optimal labor and birth, including promoting optimal fetal positioning. CST assists the baby in the womb to have an optimal labor, birth experience and enjoying a profound bonding with the mom.
During the postpartum period, CST aids in restoring musculoskeletal integration, emotional balacing, pelvic health and alleviates any discomfort of newborn care and mothering. Both mother and baby benefit from receiving treatment during these stages.
TESTIMONIALS - Pregnancy (Insomnia, back problems, edema, emotional balance) - Placenta Previa - Other Pregnancy discomforts (back pain, nausea, headaches)
During pregnancy, one of the primary focuses is to address any restrictions found in the pelvis in order to resolve back pain, hip pain, sciatica or any tensions and ultimately allow an optimal labor and birth, including promoting optimal fetal positioning. CST assists the baby in the womb to have an optimal labor, birth experience and enjoying a profound bonding with the mom.
During the postpartum period, CST aids in restoring musculoskeletal integration, emotional balacing, pelvic health and alleviates any discomfort of newborn care and mothering. Both mother and baby benefit from receiving treatment during these stages.
TESTIMONIALS - Pregnancy (Insomnia, back problems, edema, emotional balance) - Placenta Previa - Other Pregnancy discomforts (back pain, nausea, headaches)
Craniosacral Therapy for Infants

Craniosacral therapy is an ideal modality for infants, babies and children. It is non-invasive, gentle bodywork that promotes health at all levels while minimizing or eliminating the effects of birth trauma.
CST is beneficial for newborns due to the intense pressures on the cranium and body during the passage from the womb to the outer world. Babies born by cesarean where they may experience instrument deliver are in special need of CST to ease any unnatural forces that the body particularly the cranial bones might have experienced . It also aids with stress and prevents numerous breastfeeding challenges by enhancing their tongue thrust, sucking reflex and latch.
CST is essential for newborns since it assists in releasing or eliminating restrictive patterns in the body before they develop into imbalances or disorders later in life, therefore it prevents disease and dysfunction. It aids with a number of conditions such as colic, poor latching, reflux, unwillingness to nurse, painful nursing for moms, pelvic floor pain, etc.
Important reasons for a child to receive CST are: digestive problems, virus and bacteria, ear infections, headaches, learning disabilities, trauma, autism, ADHD, difficult mobility, developmental delays, behavioral changes, neurological disorders, hearing problems, disease prevention, promotion of well being particularly in the early stages where the immune system is strengthening.
TESTIMONIALS - Colic - Irregular sleeping patterns - Nursing/sucking reflex
CST is beneficial for newborns due to the intense pressures on the cranium and body during the passage from the womb to the outer world. Babies born by cesarean where they may experience instrument deliver are in special need of CST to ease any unnatural forces that the body particularly the cranial bones might have experienced . It also aids with stress and prevents numerous breastfeeding challenges by enhancing their tongue thrust, sucking reflex and latch.
CST is essential for newborns since it assists in releasing or eliminating restrictive patterns in the body before they develop into imbalances or disorders later in life, therefore it prevents disease and dysfunction. It aids with a number of conditions such as colic, poor latching, reflux, unwillingness to nurse, painful nursing for moms, pelvic floor pain, etc.
Important reasons for a child to receive CST are: digestive problems, virus and bacteria, ear infections, headaches, learning disabilities, trauma, autism, ADHD, difficult mobility, developmental delays, behavioral changes, neurological disorders, hearing problems, disease prevention, promotion of well being particularly in the early stages where the immune system is strengthening.
TESTIMONIALS - Colic - Irregular sleeping patterns - Nursing/sucking reflex
Schedule a session. Call 786-220-1415